4 steps to Sell your timber Land successfully!

4 steps to Sell your timber Land successfully!

Do you want to sell your timberland? Selling timberland is different from selling other properties. It might be a little tricky if you don’t know what to do but don’t worry the process is clear. Many timber landowners gain a fraction of their timber values because they don’t know its actual value. It is one of the most rewarding experiences to sell timberland if you know the necessary steps.

Here we will share the practical steps for selling the timberland and gaining more profit.

1. Work with the forester

It is the first and most essential step to sell timberland. Ensure that you select a professional forester for working on your timberland. It helps to sell the land effectively with more profit. The professional forester knows about the actual timberland market and ensures the successful sale of timber.

There are two types of professional foresters, public and private. The public forester works for the state or federal agency. They will manage the woodland and effectively sell the timbers. However, private foresters provide the services according to the actual value of the professional services.

The professional forester provides the following services:

  •         Maximize the economic value of trees on timberland
  •         Prepare the accurate inventory according to the timber land’s species, tree number, and value.
  •         Market the timbers according to their actual price by using their experience of knowing the timber values.
  •         Effectively monitor the harvesting of trees to ensure its better sale
  •         Help to deal with the income tax provisions


2. Develop the forest management plan

You may find it irrelevant, but it is essential to make a forest management plan to sell the timberland. A better program helps to understand the reasons to sell and own the timbered land. Moreover, you will be able to clarify your goals and objectives to sell the land. Ensure that the forest management plan covers all the relevant aspects, including wildlife habitat, salvaging the damaged trees, and many more.

3. Determine what you have to sell on timberland

Now the next step is to determine that you have to conduct the selling of timbers. Select the harvesting trees and harvest them according to the forester guide. It ensures to obtain your objectives and maintain the land for better selling. Ensure that the selected trees for harvesting have clear markings for better identification. Mark the determined trees at clear points for better titles. Moreover, you can maintain timberland quality when you know about selling trees on timberland.


4. Determines timber value

Now the final step is to determine the value of timberland. It gives you a rough idea about what you will receive after selling the timberland. For deciding the timber value, you need to consider some essential factors, including species, length, and diameter. The harvesting mode of timber also affects the final value of wood.

Now determine the value of timberland according to its size and quality. Find the buyers that come according to your determined value of timberland. Make a deal and sell the timberland according to the deed. Some landowners harvest the timber and sell them individually and then sell the timberland. However, you can sell the timberland with its trees and gain significant value.

So as you can see timbers can increase your profit you just have to follow these steps and get help from professionals. is the best platform to sell your vacant lands and help you save time and money. Now you can also contact the team of experts and sell your land. 

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